Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wild Goose Teardrop Trailer Plans

The Wild Goose teardrop trailer. 10 ft. long. Unusual in design with its rear flip-up hatch that converts to an awning/shelter (see pic below). Trailer has all the features needed for comfort including kitchenette. Most dimensions are given but some are not to allow for custom building (mostly interior). Click images to enlarge. Go to

Midget Streamlined Teardrop Trailer Plans

Midget streamlined teardrop trailer plans.  "Tear-drop" body provides sleeping quarters for two adults on a full-size bed, besides storage room for six or eight cots or sleeping bags to accommodate as many persons on a week-end trip. There is a large cabinet for food supplies, a sink with running water, stove, worktable, and a cork-insulated icebox with a water-sealed drain. The trailer body is only 9 ft. long, 5 ft. 9 1/2 in. wide and the weight complete ready for the road is approximately 960 lbs. The trailer is balanced so nicely that one man can move it about easily when detached from the car. Published late 1930s. Materials list. Click images to enlarge. Go to
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Compact Teardrop Trailer Plans

Compact teardrop trailer for two. Length 9' 7". Rear hatch, double-berth, complete kitchenette and lots of storage. Published late 1940s. Go to
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Runlite Teardrop Trailer

The Runlite teardrop trailer. Low-profile, rear hatch and side door.
Click images to enlarge.  Go to
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